During World War II, millions of young men and women rose to serve their country in the Armed Forces. Hundreds of thousands were sent overseas, many not to return. Regardless of their branch of service or rank, or the extent to which they may have seen combat, each individual has a story worth telling. Most will go unheard - but this story about one pilot now has a voice.
The Jagged Edge of Duty describes Air Force combat in World War II, and relates how this pilot came to be in North Africa, what he did when he got there, and the results of his selfless service.
How is it possible that a young man teaching in a one-room schoolhouse could, in little more than 12 months, become the most capable, the most deadly, and the most feared combatant the world had ever known? And what strength of character made it possible for this young man to continue flying deadly combat missions - sometimes two or even three a day - after having seen his closest friends and tent mates lost in combat? Plagued with dysentery, relentless combat, awful chow, and sleep that could not refresh, this man's experiences initiated him into what would later be called "The Greatest Generation".
"Richardson recounts combat pilots' experiences from training through combat and uses them to discuss the aircraft, tactics and doctrine, training, base life, and aerial combat of the war. This is the intimate account of one pilot at war, but also the anatomy of the fighter pilot experience in World War II"
“This remarkable book tells more than just a “shoot ‘em up” account of individual pilots. It illustrates the overall experiences of the 49th Fighter Squadron, recounts their missions in Africa, Sicily and Italy, and is a tribute to all P-38 pilots and crews who fought to win the greatest war in history”
Researching and writing this book required several years and extensive travel, including multiple visits to the National Archives and the Air Force Historical Research Agency.
The material uncovered for this book may be of interest to other readers and researchers.
Accordingly, some of the more useful material used in The Jagged Edge of Duty is included within this website.
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Following the successes of Salvatore Fagone in field searches near Palagonia, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) has conducted extensive investigations on the ground in Sicily - all with the intent of locating missing American
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