Source material relating to American policies and operations in the early years of World War II, and Col. Gregory's own experiences during the war, may be found at the link below.
The material included encompasses:
American Pilot Training Programs - American Air Preparedness and Policy - Army Air Force Military Operations - The 14th Fighter Group and its Squadrons - Histories and Commentaries - Air Force Strategies and Tactics in World War II - And Air Force Aircraft
Regarding the above mentioned document related to Soviet Capabilities, the interested reader is advised that a series of reports were issued on the same topic, extending to as late as 1983. A search of the CIA's online reading room (see: using "Soviet Capabilities" as the search term will yield many interesting results.
In addition to the above, the interested reader is referred to the following editions of the monthly publication "Wings": August, September, October 1977.
The Flight Manuals for several B-57 variants are also included
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